Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I started this blog some months back but never actually got started. As I set out, I felt I needed to fully explain the reasons I decided to put this out there, so I started writing out the back story. Initially I had about a one page introduction in my head, but as I explored the events that brought me to where I am now I uncovered details that had been lost along the way. Five pages and a week or so later I began to become overwhelmed and just stopped.

Then I realized that I needed to stop scribbling and start really blogging. It was time to stop playing around. I have not yet completed my list of resolutions for 2010, but one of them is to start this blog and put this stuff out there. My only prerequisite was to get a handle on this year's taxes before the last quarterly payment is due on January 15th and today (yesterday, really, it being 2am now) I did that.

So here I am. I have some issues with the way things are going and, hopefully, this will give me a voice and help me exercise a demon or two. Mostly I'm going to talk about food, how what we eat has changed and why, and try to find solutions. I am continually surprised to find just how much our diet overlaps into other issues. Maybe you will be as well. Perhaps you can help with the solutions.

Here we go...

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